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OWHC Events Calendar 2023/24

OWHC Events Calendar 2023/24

George Shrubsole3 Sep 2023 - 12:08
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Here's a list of all our amazing events and socials for this upcoming season... Don't forget to add these dates to your diary!

Welcome back to a new and exciting season of Old Williamsonian’s Hockey!

The social committee are thrilled to have a packed year of events to add to your calendar for the upcoming season:

Saturday 9th September 2023 | Club Day 2022 | The Pavilion, SJWMS

The start of the season is fast approaching and we'll be kicking it off with club day on Saturday 9th September. It's going to be a super fun day this year with the usual intra-club mixed tournament, as well as plenty on non-hockey activites taking place throughout the day.

10am - 12pm: Junior Training Session
1pm - 5pm: Mixed, Intra-club tournament (13+)
5pm - Late: Food/Evening Entertainment

It will be £10 entry for adults, £5 entry for 13-18 year olds, which will get you entry to the day, entry to the tournament and alsotp the evening. Please bring your friends, families and anyone else to help us kick off the season in style!

Saturday 14th October 2023 | Quiz Night | The Pavilion, SJWMS

A club favourite returns. Plenty of time to gather the best team and brush up on your general knowledge!

Saturday 18th November 2023 | Race/Games Night | The Pavillion, SJWMS

After a huge success on its debut last year, we are happy to announce the return of race night! See if you can beat the bookies and take home some cash!

Saturday 16th December 2023| Ed's Day | Man of Kent

A club classic, we round off the year with some beers and some fairly average banter at the Man of Kent in Rochester.

Saturday 3rd February 2024 | Band Night | The Pavilion, SJWMS

Details to follow...

Saturday 20th April 2023 | OWHC End of Season Dinner | St George Hotel, Rochester

Join us, as we round off the hockey season at our end of season dinner.

We would be pleased to welcome as many people as possilble, including both current and former players, social members and other friends of the club, along with their partners and families. We hope it will be a fantastic evening of good food, music and company. It is a chance to catch up with friends and celebrate the season.

More details to follow...

Get Involved…. If you want to get involved in helping organise socials, serve behind the bar, create content for social media or several other volunteer roles please contact the committee. The tiniest job taken off one of our key volunteers’ hands makes a huge difference - we need all your help to keep this club fantastic!

Any questions - please contact George Shrubsole on 07860 284354

Further reading